Distinction of Classical and Modern Liberalism. Its Application to the Philippine Government.

Distinction of Classical and Modern Liberalism and its
Application to the Philippine Government.

by: Pablo Basa

The distinctions between classical and modern liberalism is the government’s action towards the liberty and freedom.  As of the liberalism is concern, they are both promoting peace and equality among states. It relies on the notion that human beings are rational individuals who are capable of living freely by reason. With its key ideas of reasoning, equality, consent and constitutionalism (Heywood A, (2013). In Politics 4th Ed. Palgrave McMillan). The distinction of classical liberalism is that human beings are seen as egoistical, self-seeking and largely self-reliant creatures. Human beings are taken to be the proprietors of their own persons and capacities, owning nothing to society or to other individual. (Heywood A, (2013). In Politics 4th Ed. Palgrave McMillan). Hence, the core idea of classical liberalism is that there should have limited government intervention in the market (laissez-faire) and let the people decide for its welfare, a “free market” which is regulated by private individuals. It promotes the establishment of a minimal or “nightwatchman” (Heywood A, (2013). In Politics 4th Ed. Page 33 Palgrave McMillan). It is only limited to the security and protection of the citizens and allows individual property rights. Meanwhile the modern liberalism  possess that the state should intervene and regulate the market. Modern liberalist believes that freedom does not just mean being left alone (Hobson J. as cited by Heywood A, (2013). In Politics 4th Ed. Palgrave McMillan). Recognition that state intervention, particularly in the form of social welfare, can enlarge liberty by safe guarding individuals from the social evils that blight individual existence (Heywood A, (2013). In Politics 4th Ed. Palgrave McMillan). It consents the government to intervene and have control to the regulation of the market, by this, the general welfare of majority can be safe guarded.

The Philippine government adopts modern liberalism. The Philippines as democratic country with minimal requirement of election gives liberty to choose their representation to the government. And equality for all its people in social, political, economic and justice.  Modern liberalism in the sense that the government intervenes to the activities of its people and regulates the economic affairs and general welfare of the country. Having some policy in its economic situation and aiding its people amidst times of crisis. The Philippine government does create policies and programs for the security and protection of its people, yet giving opportunities to the people to join and exercise to free markets. As geared by Article XIII (Social Justice And Human Rights) Section 1. “The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures that protect and enhance the right of all the people to human dignity, reduce social, economic, and political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the common good” and Section 2. “The promotion of social justice shall include the commitment to create economic opportunities based on freedom of initiative and self-reliance” (1987 Philippine Constitution). It acknowledges that the state should promote social justice, protection and security to everyone with consent of its people aiming self-reliance and/or individualism with a capacity to regulate the market by the government for the good and common good of all Filipinos.

Programs and policies of the Philippine government that conforms with the modern liberalism ideology is 1.) The equal protection given to the people to outsight evil forces who take chances for their own advantage. The government through its executive branches regulates the market by controlling the prices of basic commodities, hence the Department of Trade and Industries came up with the “Bantay Presyo Program” which monitoring the prices of basic commodities in a regular basis (Bantay Presyo. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.dti.gov.ph/dti/index.php/price-watch).  In this way, consumers can access fairly their needs in a daily routine. With this Philippine Government intervention to regulate prices of the said commodities, people are secured and protected to the abusive activities of others to get advantages. It focuses around the use of the government for the benefit of society as a whole. “Bantay Presyo Program” generally associated to the welfare of the Filipino people as to their own consumption of their basic needs. 2.)The other Philippine program that conforms with the modern liberalism is education system in the Philippines. Through the Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education initiatives, the public can access freely the educational institution in the Philippines. Thru DepED’s K-12 program students has the opportunity to gain more skills and to improve intellectual capabilities by having vocational skills training/courses added in the curriculum of secondary education. With this, there would be an equal opportunities to all undergraduate as well as to graduates. Unemployment and underemployment can also be lessen with this programs as the students can have their decent job. A great effect in the economy and a great aid for poverty in the country. Through the government intervention to the education services, equal opportunity will be render to all and as well as to the economic growth of the Philippines.

Having discussed the principles of modern liberalism which is liberty, equality, freedom and economic progress through free-market, I believe that the Philippine government does not fully follow modern liberalism. In the sense that society in the Philippines is still divided. Elites are still in positions controlling a huge power in the government; therefore equality is indeed not enforced in the sense that elites are only adherence for their family’s interest. Capitalist in provinces owning a huge portion of lands still practicing control over the means of production and enslaved peoples from working class. Because Agrarian Reforms and Land Reforms is still not enforce and implement by the government (Olea, R. 2008. In Bulatlat.com Alipato Media Center) Therefore controlling a large role in free markets. The Philippine Government does not yet recognized and addressed this issues that is for me serves a stumbling block for the real implementation of modern liberalism, because most of the government officials will greatly affect if this will be fully implement.

For me, the strongest ideology to challenge liberalism in the Philippines is the Marxism. Marxism, its theory of revolution played a very vital role not to this age but as early as colonial period of the Philippines. Thru social differences then illustrado and indio revolt against abusive peninsulares and insulares and seek social class rights. In this present time, elites are in the same power and controlling the means of production. Nevertheless, the distinction between social classes are still in-practice in the Philippines. Middle class and working class (proletariat) indeed are striving for their basic needs and wants. Capitalist are in capacity to overthrow working class for they have the machinery to do so, in the form of jobs, wages and incomes. In the Philippine if this social divisions continues, and if liberalism still be ineffective, proletariat with its huge number can overturn the present system in the Philippines. So me, this is the strongest threat to liberalism.

Andew Heywood’s Politics 4th Edition by Palgrave McMillan1987 Philippine ConstitutionComprehensive Agrarian Reform Review by R. Olea (Bulatlat.com)
Bantay Presyo by DTI (dti.gov.ph)


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